Monday, November 27, 2006

9:50 AM

Journal Entry #4

Students with MRBased on Mr. Orsini's guest speaking appearance

1. What was your reaction to Mr. Orsini's talk?
2. Do you have any
interest in teaching Special Education?
3. What are the major topics that
students with MR will be taught in the public school system?

1. I was very interested by Mr. Orsini's talk, but I still think it's mean that the best thing to happen to a kid with MR would be breaking a bone. People should be more accepting always...:(

2. I have considered teaching special education, but I don't think I have the patience to go over how to complete specific tasks so frequently. If I were to become a teacher, I would be more interested in teaching at an elementary school level.

3. In the public school system, students with MR will be taught life skills that will help them be successful to the best of their ability, such as those one would need to get a job.


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Wednesday, November 22, 2006

9:51 AM

Developing High Quality Family Involvement

Please answer all of the following based on the article by Lorenza

What is Head Start?
What is one of the most accurate predictors of achievement in school?
What is an Early Childhood program?
What are some road blocks to establishing parent involvement in Early Childhood programs?
What are some ways to establish parent involvement?
How can cultural differences be promoted?
What is the benefit of having a good orientation?
What should a good orientation include?
What can parents do who cannot come into the classroom?
What is an exploration kit?

  1. Head Start is a national, federally funded, community-based program for children from families with low incomes and their parents.
  2. One of the most accurate predictors of achievement in school is the extent to which parents believe they can be key resources in their children's education and become involved at school and in the community.
  3. An early childhood program is a community of families, teachers, and neighborhood residents accepting mutual responsibility for sustaining and enhancing relationships that promote children's success.
  4. Barriers range from teachers' concerns over the ability of parents to maintain confidentiality to not knowing how to effectively recruit, use, or supervise volunteers.
  5. Develop a short survey or meet with other staff to determine where, besides the classroom, parents can make contributions and in what ways.
  6. Written materials for families should be translated into languages spoken at home. Holiday celebrations should likewise be respectful and inclusive of the cultures of all families.
  7. A well-planned orientation eases anxiety and confusion, alleviates fears, and increases the chances of parents maintaining a long-term relationship with the program.
  8. An effective orientation familiarizes the parent or community member with the school's facilities and staff, the program's philosophy and cirriculum, and relevant policies and procedures on confidentiality, discipline, and attendance, as outlined in a family handout.
  9. Parents can make materials to be used in the classroom at home.
  10. Exploration kits are take-home devices which parents can use with their children to develop various skills.


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Just another teenager...




October 2006 l November 2006 l December 2006 l


A dream is a wish your heart makes
When you're fast asleep
In dreams you will lose your heartaches
Whatever you wish for, you keep

Have faith in your dreams and someday
Your rainbows will come smiling through
No matter how your heart is grieving
If you keep on believing
the dream that you wish will come true <3


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